Our Assets
The leading new age music channel on Google Search and Youtube
The leading new age music Soundcloud channel on Soundcloud and Google Search
The leading meditation music channel on Google Search and Soundcloud
The leading relaxing music channel on Soundcloud
The leading ambient music channels on Soundcloud
Network of 40 Soundcloud channels with 123,000 followers
Four monetised YouTube Partner channels with 99,000 subscribers
The New Age Music Planet website and store
Artist share
The label takes 30% of artist revenue for artist management and the artist receives 70%
SoundCloud payout requirements
For payouts from our SoundCloud channels you will need both a SoundCloud For Artists account linked to your own SoundCloud Account. A free acount is fine. You will also need a free Ditto Music account to receive payments for your own SoundCloud channel and for audio fingerprint technolgy which allows us to protect your music from illegal use.
Publishing royalties requirements
If you choose to publish your music with us for mechanical rights royalty collection and radio airplay collection you must ensure that you own all the music and that it is not published with any other organisation as this can cause conflicts with your revenue collection. You will need a free Ditto Music account we can link your publishing royalties to. The Publishing collector takes 10% we take 20% and the artist receives 70% of publishing royalties. We register your music with BMI, ASCAP, PRS etc for international royalty collection and mechanical royalties. We do this in your name as the copyright holder, writer and author. We have no rights over your music.
YouTube requirements
If we put your music on our YouTube channel, your music must not be protected by YouTube Conrent ID (CID - You can check with your distributor).
The only way we can place your music on our channel is if
A: We release your music through are own distribution services or
B: Your dstributor whitelists our channel so we do not get copyright claims from your distributor.
We prefer A as it avoids complication. We can also protect your music with Content ID
Any revenue your music earns on our YouTube channel is paid every three months via Paypal (minus Google taxes and Paypal fees)
Who owns your music
You Do. We do not have any rights over your music as we are more a promotion and distribution service than a record label. You own all the master rights and copyright and we own nor have the rights to any of your music.
Is there a minimum contract?
Is there support?
No. There is no minimum contract. You can leave our service at any time and we will stop promoting your music and remove any publishing and copyright protection for your music so you can move forward alone or with a label or some other service.
Just send us an email saying you wish to discontinue and we will work with you to end our service to you. There is no cost to end the promotions.
Yes. Direct artist support is provided via What's App messaging or Facebook messenger monday to Friday 11 am to 4 pm. UK time. You can always email us too.
How does Soundcloud monetisation work?
Soundcloud pays artists a share of the ad and subscription revenue it earns. Click here to learn about Fan Powered Royalties
Only countries in Western Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico run ads. Other countries are not as yet monetised.
Not every monetisable stream runs an ad. For example, if a track gets 1000 streams, perhaps only 300 of those are monetised and will earn revenue.
You can check your revenue analytics for SoundCloud in your SoundCloud for artists account and your Ditto Music account
How does YouTube monetisation work?
YouTube pays artists a share of the ad and subscription revenue it earns. The ads run before, during and after video play. Our channel is a YouTube Partner Channel which means we can monetise directly ourselves. There is no splitpay feature for YouTube earnings available so we will send you reports by email and pay quaterly via paypal.
To be part of our YouTube programme you must distribute your music with us.
Information for new artists
How does radio monetisation work?
To earn money from radio play and mechanical royalties (songwriter royalties from digital stores. These are royalties paid in addition to normal streaming royalties) your music needs to be published by our label. We will also use technology to audio fingerprint your music to protect it from being copied and illegally uploaded by bad actors.
If you opt to publish with us we will also send your music out to radio stations to try to get you some airplay although this cannot be guaranteed. Any radio and mechanical rights royalties are paid directly into your ditto account.
Is there a download store too?
Yes. New Age Music Planet has it's own download and streaming store. The website is monetised with Google Ads. ie adverts on the website. Each artist will earn 3% of total ad revenue from Google ads payable on the final day of each year or the date you leave our services. For each download sale of your music you receive 95%. Downlad sales are paid three days after sale via paypal (minus paypal transaction costs)